Spreading Holiday Cheer
Deerfield School #9 in Linden, New Jersey once again participated in the Scholastic Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive benefiting Pajama Program. For every pair of pajamas donated, Scholastic Book Clubs will donate a brand-new book to Pajama Program. The books will be given to children in need all around Union County. Deerfield School #9 surpassed their goal of 250 pairs of pajamas by receiving a grand total of 324. Because of the overwhelming response, children around Union County were able to receive both books and pajamas for the 2019 holiday season!

This year's donations are being split between The Union County East and Central Offices of The Department of Child Protection and Permanency covering Elizabeth, Hillside, Union, Cranford, Kenilworth, Linden, Roselle, and Roselle Park.